Timmins Newest Non-Profit Organization: Timmins Festivals and Events Committee Newly Incorporated – Events, Contests and Survey!
TIMMINS- The Timmins Festivals and Events Committee (TFEC) is a new, non-profit organization that has recently been incorporated. TFEC is committed to bringing relevant acts to Timmins and will organize several events throughout the year. The committee is comprised of several Directors who have a diversity of experience and knowledge that compliments the group. The committee members also share a common goal: to host a yearly festival during the summer to attract talent to Timmins, develop community spirit and enhance appreciation of musical arts and culture in the community. These events will also give local talent the opportunity to display their skills while they play alongside larger acts.
TFEC is pleased to announce its first event called “Rocktoberfest” which will be held at the McIntyre Ballroom on Saturday October 17, 2015. This initial event will begin the process of raising funds to host an annual summer music festival in Timmins. “Rocktoberfest” will be an evening of trivia, local talent, silent auction, and prizes! This is your opportunity to dress up like your favourite band or singer! There will be prizes for best costumes – get creative! Stay tuned for information on where to get your tickets!
The committee is also hosting a logo contest! Be a part of TFEC history by creating their logo! Submit your idea to [email protected] or via TFEC’s website: www.timminsfestivals.com which will go live September 1st. The winner of the logo contest will receive 2 tickets to a TFEC event! Hurry! The contest closes September 30th. The winner will be announced at Rocktoberfest!
TFEC would like to hear from you! “Like” TFEC’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TimminsFestivals), fill out the survey and let them know what type of musical act and genre you would like to see in Timmins. Keep an eye out for TFEC at the Great Canadian Kayak Challenge, Welcome to Timmins Night and the Mountjoy Fall Fair.
TFEC would like to thank all of the partners involved in helping the committee start up; Timmins Family YMCA, City of Timmins and Tourism Timmins, and The Rotary Club,
If you are interested in volunteering, sponsoring, donating, or helping in any way, please contact the group at [email protected]
For more information, please contact:
John Olaveson, Chair
Timmins Festivals and Events Committee
phone 705-268-0246
[email protected]