Rock on the River Rocks in Supporting Local Non-Profits
While the Timmins Festivals & Events Committee (TFEC) has spent the past two months crunching Rock On The River numbers, we’d like to take a break from all the math to confidently report that year three of our annual event is another definite, profitable success.
Year three of Rock On The River saw increased attendance, more vendors, more out of town visitors, and an increase in community involvement.
A highlight for TFEC of 2018 was using Rock On The River to benefit other community non profits. Rock On The River saw over $3000 in donations going out to three community groups who worked with us this year. This included:
• The Northern Ontario Expo (NOE)
• Project Love
• Timmins Family Counselling Centre
A portion of our 50-50 went towards the NOE for their assistance with the 50-50 draw and volunteers, while Project Love and the Timmins Family Counselling Centre received our child entry donations with members of their groups assisting with the front gate at Rock On The River.
From TFEC Chair John Olavson:
“TFEC was pleased to have these other great local non profits come on board for Rock On The River 2018. TFEC and Rock On The River are all about members of the community coming together to make things happen in Timmins. To have these groups working closely with us and our event it shows just how many people are willing to give their time investing in our City. TFEC, much like these groups, thrive on community support to make Timmins a better
place to live”
The future for Rock On The River is looking bright! Right now it’s time to start our annual fundraising with the the 4th edition of Rocktoberfest! Taking place Saturday October 20th. Tickets go on sale Wednesday September 26th at 12pm. Full details will be at TimminsFestivals.com